The 2024 State of Habeshas Voter Survey!


 Your voice matters! This survey is 100% confidential survey and it will not be shared with any third parties. We seek to better understand the needs and concerns of Ethiopian and Eritrean Americans living in the United States. The survey takes 1-2 minutes. By selecting "I Agree", you are willingly consenting to participate in this survey, thank you!  

Click here to take survey


Habeshas for Harris has an official unique campaign code with the Harris Victory Fund where individual contributions through our web site link go directly to the campaign. By donating through the link here, you are strengthening the voice of Ethiopian and Eritrean Americans and making sure our voices are heard! We have made incredible progress meeting our fundraising goal, but we are a little shy of hitting it out of the park. Will you consider finding one more person in your network who can donate to get us over the hump?